5 Tips to Assure a Successful New Product Launch
New York, USA
12 January 2023
This article is a guide on how to ensure that your product will have a successful launch. We are assuming that your product has been developed and is in a stage where it's ready to go to market. You have conducted market research and worked out the TAM (total addressable market) Your product has a name, branding, and a logo. And you are aware of your positioning within your competitors. If your product is not at this stage. This article may not be relevant to you quite yet. But be sure to come back to it, when you’re ready for your launch.
1. Identify benefits of your product
Your product may have multiple benefits; it may make your clients' lives easier, save them time, and save them energy, but we suggest focusing on one or two. If it isn’t easy for your to decide which one to choose, think about your target audience and their needs. Whichever benefit will appeal to them and their lifestyle the most, go with that. It's not to say that you need to hide all the other benefits, but when choosing a message, it's best not to overcomplicate things. Then, once you have your audience’s attention, you can delve into additional features and benefits.
2. Make a plan
One of the most important things to do when launching a new product is to make a plan. If you don’t know where to start, decide on a launch date and work backwards. You might want to launch the product around a certain time of the year or a holiday. Think about how you can market your product based on that event or time of year. Once you have decided on a launch date, create a checklist of everything that needs to be done before the day, and add them to your calendar. Be realistic about it. Factor in additional time in case things take longer than expected, especially if you need to work with vendors exterior to your company.
3. Create hype
A product launch means nothing if your audience is not aware that it's happening. Research which channels your clients engage with the most and use those for advertising. Either paid, organic, or both. If you do this with enough time you can use countdowns, and excite them with sneak peeks. You can create an email list with promotions, giveaways, updates, and early access to your product. Remember, your audience may not be ready to purchase immediately after your launch. By creating memorable and consistent content, your audience will remember your product when they are ready to purchase.
4. Create realistic expectations
You must be honest with yourself about how much you and your team can do within the time frame. It is better to have one superior product, than multiple products that don’t deliver. This is especially important if this is your first product, as creating a good name for yourself is vital. Once you have done that, and your customers can trust you and your product, you can increase your product range.
5. Be creative
Today, consumers are exposed to so many products every day. They have a low attention span and must be captivated in a matter of seconds. This is your opportunity to take risks and be creative.
For more help with your product launch, or to learn how The Irresistible Company can benefit you, reach out to us at info@irresistible-company.com